Sunday, 21 June 2020

Week 10

Hello parents of Kindergarten A


Sight words - say, she, so, soon, that, there, they, this
Phonics sounds - TR, DR and GR 
(try, true, dry, draw, great, grow)

This week in English we continued to learn our sight words and our phonic sound.
We read our raz-kids book in the morning but we have also started writing our own books together using both the sight words and our phonics sounds.

We also started working on our handwriting starting with the whole alphabet and using our notebooks to write about things we like and don't like.

I will also update your child's Raz-kids account with two books that link in with our unit of inquiry.

Next week

Sight words - too, under, want, was, well, went, what, white
Phonic sounds - CR, BR, FR and PR


This week in our math lessons we have been reviewing how to use ones, tens, hundreds to help us do addition and subtraction faster.

In our centre times we have been using different activities to reinforce our knowledge of shapes and how they can be used to make different pictures as well as using dice to create different math problems.

I have also been helping a few students improve their subtraction and addition skills by having some focused help sessions during our math centre times.

Unit of Inquiry

In our UOI we looked have been looking at the different animals that live in both hot and cold habitats. We explored how they are different and how they can sometimes be similar.

We also wondered about why these animals are the way that they are, why they have long fur or why they are the colour that they are.

We worked individually to think about what insects and animals exisit in urban habitats and why they are important.

Park and gym time

We were only able to go to the park once this week due to the weather so we have stared to play some games in the gym and in our classroom. We are always moving to make sure that we are improving our gross motor skills and our sharing and team building abilities.

Happenings in Class

In kinder this week lego has been very popular!

We also practiced what to do in the event of an earthquake


Homework will be given on Friday but is not due until the following Thursday

In your homework packets this week you will find -

Sight words 
Phonics blended sounds 
Maths review  

Homework is an important part of helping your child reinforce what they have been learning in class and to build their confidence in the knowledge they have. 

It is also used to help them learn balance, I teach them that it should not be completed all at once (unless they want to) but should be done in small amounts inbetween play and their regular home life.

Important Information

As per the adminitration's guide we are trying to enforce social distancing in our classroom.

Recently we have been introducing having meal times at table again, however to comply with social distancing regulations we are only allowing three students to a table.

Please remember that we request your child bring the following items to class each day

2 x masks (named)
place mat
picnic mat 
toothbrush and cup
small towel for drying their hands

We will be sending home these items daily as well as their hats on Friday.

Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

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