Friday, 6 December 2019

Week 32

Hello parents of Kindergarten A

I hope you all stay nice and warm over the weekend!


We have been focused on our phonics and spelling this week. We are still reading a book a day in the morning but we have also started to use to start honing our phonic and spelling skills in a fun and competitive way during the morning and center time.  


In maths this week we have been discovering hungry alligators and how they always like to eat a larger number! We have been learning about less thank, greater than and equal too! Everyone picked it up pretty quickly and really enjoyed drawing sharp teeth on their alligators!!

Unit of Inquiry

We have been playing a 'what am I?' game. Everyone is really good at guessing using materials and properties to guess what an object is. We also used our thinking caps to think of how we turn one material into another material. How and why we use the materials we do and if we could use different materials to do the same job.


I have been trying to have the class really develop their fine motor skills so further to finger knitting we have started to use perler beads in class to make Mario or Pokemon designs without pincers. By making them use their fingers they are finding concentrating on precise actions start to become easier.  They have also been following more complex patterns and helping each other complete the pictures.



We had great fun jumping leaves in the park, we took many photos and I hope you enjoy them!



We have been really enjoying playing soccer in the gym and have been taking turns to be umpire or goal keeper.  I was very happy to see that they have been thinking about how to play safely and that the students will alter the game if they think it is unsafe or if someone might get hurt.


This week in music the class has been working hard on learning a new part of their song.

Ms Nao was very impressed with how hard they have been practicing and that everyone has been showing great improvement!

Show and Tell

Thank you to Taisei and Yuito for bring in items for us to see, play with and learn about!

Important Information

Show and tell

Rian - Tuesday 10th December
Yujiro - Thursday 12th December

Raz Kids

I am very happy to see that many of our classmates are regularly using their raz kids account, Please keep up the great work!

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