Friday, 15 November 2019

Week 29, Grandparents day!

Hello parents of Kindergarten A!

I hope that you all have an enjoyable weekend!

This has been a very exciting and fun week for us here in Kindergarten A. Not only did we have a visit from our grandparents and made some awesome paper cup Kendamas but we also learned how to finger knit, make and read a bar graph, we improved our reading and practiced little subtraction!


As has become tradition in our class, once we have finished our morning meeting we read a story from Raz-kids together on the board. This helps us enjoy reading together, give us confidence reading and speaking as well as keeping us interested in Raz-kids and improving our reading ability.

I have given all the members of our class a reading assignment this weekend through Raz-kids. If your child has not logged into Raz-kids or doesn't have a level showing, I have sent them home with three books to start to gauge their level.

The book that I have assigned is a benchmark book from the previous level shown on their account. later next week I will be giving them a comprehension test to make sure they are understand what they are reading.


This week in maths we reviewed subtraction of large numbers with no regrouping, practiced our skip counting and introduced showing statistics and data. namely bar graphs.

We had a lot of fun thinking of the different object in our class that we could count and show on the graph and then comparing what we had more of!

This kinds of information understanding is really important for us to know and helps us learn that information isn't just shown as words or numbers but sometimes as combinations of shapes, colours, and other visual information.

Unit of Inquiry

We have continued our study of how different things are manufactured. We learned how lemon tarts, golf balls, wool and polar fleece is made.
We also started learning new adjectives like, shiny, translucent, smooth, heavy etc. in relation to a 'What am I?' game where we use different adjectives to describe the properties of an object. Whom ever can identify it the fastest wins!

Finally Ms Bel taught us how to finger knit and we have thoroughly enjoyed knitting through our unit of inquiry, gym and afternoon snack!  Some of us enjoy it more than others however I was very impressed with how quickly everyone was able to do it. Our next step is to learn how to tie a pair of shoes as it can be quite tricky remembering all the steps!

Some of us have expressed a keen interest in learning how to weave or knit too!

Grandparents Day!!

Important information

Sharing time

Noa - Tuesday 19th November
Rino - Thursday 21st November

Height and Weight email

Sadly the height and weight of our class wasn't able to be taken today and will be done early next week.


As started above I have set a reading assignment through Raz-kids, please have your child log on and read the benchmark book advised as they will be tested on this book next week.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate in contacting me.

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