Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Sports day

Hello Parents of Kindergarten A

I hope you all had a great time at our sports day on Friday!


In English we have really been focusing on our reading this week, learning to read together on the smart board, reading with buddies and challenging ourselves to try hard level raz kids books!


We have started to learn our place values in class, hundreds, tens and ones.

Some of us have understood the idea very quickly and have been helping our fellow classmates to understand the concept! It has been wonderful to see how helpful and caring everyone is to each other.


This week in class we have been deciding what artifacts we wish to make to show our fellow students. When we are finished we are hoping to create a museum to show our ancient artifacts!

Sports day!

We all had a wonderful time competing in sports day with our classmates and against Kindergarten B. We also enjoyed cheering on the younger classes in their races and dances! We hope you really enjoyed the Kumitaiso performance as the kids worked really hard and were very proud of their performance.

These are a collection of photos taken st sports day for you to enjoy.

Important Information

As you are probably aware there was no homework over the long weekend, however homework will resume this week and will be given out on Friday.

Height and Weight checks

Your child's height and weight will be measured this week and will be emailed out to you later this week.

Show and Tell

Taisei - Tuesday 15th 
Haechan - Thursday 17th

Yuito - Monday 21st
Rian - Wednesday 23rd

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