Hello parents of Kindergarten A
I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves at our International Children's Festival on Friday, I know that our class really enjoyed learning about Nepal and their culture and from what I heard from all our classmates that they really enjoyed learning about so many different countries, and Turkish ice-cream!
This week we have been reviewing our past sight words, practicing our handwriting and continuing to work on our phonic books.
We have continued our studies into skip counting, everyone is pretty confident with skip counting by
2's or 5's but we have been seeing a few kids really challenge themselves by trying 9's, 25's and even 12's.
We also have been enjoying using the dice again for different addition sums and a few classmates have been challenging each other to addition races!
Unit of Inquiry
As our chosen country for International Childrens' Festival was Nepal we decided to have a look at all the different types of things that made Nepal, well, Nepal! We looked into there food, buildings, cultural stories, monster stories (Yeti) landmarks of their countries (Mt Everest).
We then made decorations, puzzles and crafts to be played and displayed in the grade 2 room for the festival.
We were all very proud of our giant Mt Everest mural and can't wait to display it back in our room on the 12th floor.
This coming week we are going to be looking at Medieval England, their knights, their castles, their stories and legends as well as food, fashion and weapons.
Should you have anything that could contribute to our discussions please feel free to email me or have your child bring in any object or book that relates to our topic.
Going away party for Kazushi
On Thursday we said goodbye to our classmate Kazushi as he travels to America for two months. He will be rejoining us in December and we are all looking forward to the amazing stories he will have for us when he returns.
Best of luck Kazushi!
Important Information Dates
Sports Day - Friday 11th October 2019
Field trip to Big Bang Children's' Museum - 3rd October 2019
(you will be receiving an email shortly)
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