This week is the final week of our third unit of inquiry: Understanding the past helps us understand the present.
The children have learnt about how the past can be yesterday, 10 years ago, 100 years ago or 5000 years ago. We compared pictures of clothing from different countries from around the world. Children noticed that many countries now wear western style clothing like t-shirts and shorts because they are more comfortable to do physical activities in.
Children looked at how transport has changed from walking, using animals such as horses, the first bicycles and boats. They learnt that trains used to be powered by coal and steam and were much slower than the bullet trains.
Then we looked at some ancient buildings like the Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal of India, Machu Picchu in Peru the Colosseum and different pyramids. The children couldn’t believe the Egyptian Pyramids are about 3-5000 years old!
For the summative assessment, the students could choose to make an old thing such as a bow and arrow, an axe, a sword or a castle. They enjoyed making something and learnt how to use cardboard and chopsticks to make things stronger.
Apologies to the students whose photos I don't have. One of you was absent and the other got picked up early so I ran out of time to take your photo.
In math, we linked learning about time with learning to read time by the hour and half an hour. The children have become quite confident reading time to the hour. Many are also very good at reading half past times as well.
In phonics, some students are still needing extra practise on phase 3 (pre K level) and phase 4 (start of Kinder) phonics. Other students are confident with phase 5 and doing very well. I can see that a lot of students' reading level on RAZ is getting better although some children need to practise more to move about level C or D.