Sunday, 14 April 2019

Week one!

Hello parents of KinderA!

I hope that you are all staying warm and dry on this wet and grey weekend.

We had a fun filled week for our first week in kinder A!

We explored and enjoyed the new items in our library.

We also had a great time playing in the park with our friends from Kinder B.

We also showed Ms Bel what we knew about maths and English! (she was very impressed)

In our inquiry time we wanted to show the world where our classroom was and thought the best way to show who we are is through our hand prints. We explored what colour combinations expressed ourselves as individuals and as a class!

We all learned that the paint was quite cold and gross to touch but that it was really fun to slap our hand together and make new colours!

The final result can be seen hanging from our classroom entrance on the 11th floor.

Finally we had lots of fun playing with our friends and finding all the new toys and equipment that we can use in our new classroom!

I hope that everyone had a good time during their first week and are looking forward to more of the same in the weeks to come.

Important information

Dismissal time - 
just a reminder to parents that dismissal time for Kindergarten is at 3:50 pm and the door will be closed until that time. Should you wish to collect your child earlier please don't hesitate to contact me.

Hand, foot and mouth disease -
As I'm sure you are already aware a few cases of this virus has occurred this week, due to its contagious nature we are urging all parents to check their children and to refrain from sending them to school if they are showing any symptoms. 

Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

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