Sunday, 28 April 2019

Week 3

Hello parents of KinderA

I hope that you are all enjoying your golden week vacation and have some fun things planned for you and your family.


We have been practising our phonics with words that include either LT, PT or XT. it has been
a little tricky for some of up but by the end of the week we could all name a number of
words that contained these sounds.


We got a real challenge this week when we were presented with a worksheet on working out
the number of cubes on 3D image. Some one us were able to understand the concept right
away and helped their friends. Others were quick thinkers and asked to use the stacking
blocks to recreate the shapes and count the cubes that way.  I was very impressed
how different members of our class tackled the problem in different ways.

Unit of Inquiry

We have been finishing off our review of the learning profiles, this week we looked at being
balanced, principled, a risk-taker and a thinker. Being principled was a little harder to
understand due to the larger words needed to explain the idea.

However we all were happy to learn that we were already showing how principled we are
everyday by being respectful, honest and fair with not only our teachers but with fellow

Birthday Party

This week we celebrated the birthday’s of San and Yuijiro!

Everyone had a great time singing happy birthday and we also had a dance party!

They both seemed to really enjoy playing with their friends as well as their gifts.

Important Information

Golden week homework

I have sent how a few pages of homework to be completed over the Golden week vacation.
Each packet has been tailored to your child and what I believed they needed to work on to
be all set for the start of our new unit. The focuses are either Maths, English,
Writing or General.

Once again please do not let them finish all of the homework in one sitting as I would love
if they can learn that by doing a little bit each day they can balance play and work.

Finally there is a few pages bordered by stars which is the last piece which should be
completed as it is for them to write what one thing they did during Golden week. Please
attach a photo of them doing an activity or at a location and have them write as much or as
little as they like about their experience.

Health and dental check up

In your child’s bag you should have found a brown envelope with the paperwork for their
check up. Please have to documentation completed and returned to the school office
on the 6th floor.

Raz kids

The commencement of Raz-kids will happen once we are back at school after the
Golden week vacation.

Finally I hope that you all have a wonderful and relaxing Golden week and I look forward
to seeing everyone back at school on May 7th!

Should you have any questions regarding the homework or any other
questions please do not hesitate in contact me.

Monday, 22 April 2019

Week 2 and Family picnic

Hello parents of KinderA!

I hope you all had as much fun as I did at our family picnic this weekend. It was a delightful way to end our second week.


This week in maths we did some revision into counting to 100 by playing 1 - 100 snacks and ladders and we ended this week playing the estimation game. Where we talking in our table groups and decided how many object were in a container we were shown.


We continued to work on our phonics by covering the sounds for ST,NT and FT both on the smart board, work sheets and in group conversations! I was very impressed with the amount of different words we were all able to come up with!

Art and creative play

During our art sessions this week we made individual pennants for a class banner and  favourite topics paintings. During creative play many of our class friends have been turning the balcony into Jurassic Park and have been the most incredible dinosaur keepers, making sure they are all well fed and happy.


We have also been enjoying our Japanese lessons with Ms Nao and we really enjoyed starting to make our carp banners!

Egg and spoon practice

On Friday we also practiced the egg and spoon race and names our class champion Taisei! Our champ went head to head contest with the champion of Kinder B and did us proud!

Family Picnic

I had a real blast spending time with all of you and your family at the picnic on Saturday, please feel free to post your own photos in the comments below!

Important information


This week I sent home a few pages of homework to be completed throughout the week whenever the students have time. As we are focusing on being balanced people this week we are seeking to teach our friends that doing all our homework at once is not being balanced and that well balanced people should find time for work and play in equal measure.

However likewise if someone doesn't complete their homework sadly there would also be a punishment, homework would need to be completed before the student can play with their friends.

The homework will be due on Wednesday 24th.
(please send homework back in the plastic pocket listed on the supply list)

Share time

I will be sending a list of the dates for share time after golden week when we will be starting our first unit of inquiry - Sharing the planet.

Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact be at

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Week one!

Hello parents of KinderA!

I hope that you are all staying warm and dry on this wet and grey weekend.

We had a fun filled week for our first week in kinder A!

We explored and enjoyed the new items in our library.

We also had a great time playing in the park with our friends from Kinder B.

We also showed Ms Bel what we knew about maths and English! (she was very impressed)

In our inquiry time we wanted to show the world where our classroom was and thought the best way to show who we are is through our hand prints. We explored what colour combinations expressed ourselves as individuals and as a class!

We all learned that the paint was quite cold and gross to touch but that it was really fun to slap our hand together and make new colours!

The final result can be seen hanging from our classroom entrance on the 11th floor.

Finally we had lots of fun playing with our friends and finding all the new toys and equipment that we can use in our new classroom!

I hope that everyone had a good time during their first week and are looking forward to more of the same in the weeks to come.

Important information

Dismissal time - 
just a reminder to parents that dismissal time for Kindergarten is at 3:50 pm and the door will be closed until that time. Should you wish to collect your child earlier please don't hesitate to contact me.

Hand, foot and mouth disease -
As I'm sure you are already aware a few cases of this virus has occurred this week, due to its contagious nature we are urging all parents to check their children and to refrain from sending them to school if they are showing any symptoms. 

Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.